lauantaina, maaliskuuta 19, 2011

Taylorin Twitter-päivityksiä Euroopasta!

Madridista, ESPANJASTA:
"Ooh! We're staying in Madrid an extra day!! That way I can go see my Christopher Columbus exhibit (näyttelyä)!" -@grantmickelson exclaims. (huudahtaa)
Pariisista, RANSKASTA:
"In the dressing room, about to head to the stage! Paris! I have a good feeling about this crowd..... :) "
Milanosta, ITALIASTA:
"Thank you, Milan. What a beautiful night! Sending love to all the Italian fans. "
Oberhausenista, SAKSASTA:
"Woah. Germany. That crowd! Tonight's show!! I mean WOAH. And thanks to whoever gave me this sweet ring!"

"And so my castle fascination (kiehtova linna) lives on.. In Germany!"

Oslosta, NORJASTA:

"Norway! Where have you been all my life?!?! It's freezing and beautiful. Can't feel my hands."

Rotterdamista, HOLLANNISTA:
"We rode on a double decker tour bus (kaksikerroksinen kiertuebussi) today. It ruled. About to go onstage in Rotterdam-- LOVING the crowds on this tour so far!! "

Brysselistä, BELGIASTA:
"About to start the European tour in Belgium!! That crowd sounds fantastic."

"Belgium is cool!"

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